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Virtual Joggers

Last updated: 18/5/2020


Covid-19 is an unprecedented situation and we want to do our best to support Club members through the challenges ahead. It is okay to find this difficult - reach out to the Committee and other Club members as needed during this time. One thing that is clear already, is that we are a social bunch and are all keen to support one another!


However, please remember to follow Government Guidelines with regards to social distancing at all times!!


Our approach is constantly evolving and we have already trialled a variety of activities and events. If you have wider initiatives to share, please let us know.


Virtual Interval Sessions: Club coaches prepare and share weekly sessions on Facebook for you to try. Full details are also shared via our main WJs Whatsapp group. An additional Whatsapp group, specific to interval training, is available so that you can ask any questions that you may have relating to the session; check Facebook for more details on how to join this group. Our coaches are always available to advise further and provide full support, helping you to integrate these sessions in your weekly training routine.


Virtual Pilates: Following an initial trial on Wednesday 25th March, these classes are now available every Wednesday starting at 7:30pm. They can be booked directly with Daisy, our Pilates Instructor; check Facebook for more details on how to do this. 


Virtual Joggers Jolly Jaunt: Socialise, chat and catch up with other Club members over Zoom. The "room" is always open so just message your friends to let them know and pop in any time! There is a scheduled, regular weekly slot every Wednesday at 8:30pm to coincide with what would have been our usual Club Run. 


To join, just click this link on your laptop/phone:

The Meeting ID is: 378 053 0181


Virtual Quiz Nights: Very popular and highly enjoyable Friday evening entertainment, these have been held on a fortnightly basis and we plan to continue! Club members are volunteering their time to organise these. They take place over Zoom, using the same meeting room as for the "Jolly Jaunt". You will find details of each upcoming Quiz Night on Facebook, under Events.​


Virtual Relays: We have now held two highly successful and very enjoyable virtual relays which took place over a weekend period. Full details of such events are posted in our Facebook group, including rules and instructions on how to take part. 


Virtual Treasure Hunts: Our first successful treasure hunt took place on the VE Day weekend in early May! There will be an extended month-long treasure hunt coming soon. Look out for such one-off events on Facebook and join in the fun!


Other activities/events include:

Spot the Watford Jogger, a simple and fun, leaderboard-style 'game' that everyone can take part in! 

'Tastic Watford Joggers are currently playing "Run Bingo" in addition to their usual game of "WJs Running League".


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